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Peer Support Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2011

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Peer Support Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
March 2011

By Dr. Anne Scott, Dr. Carolyn Doughty, and Hamuera Kahi

This study was based on individual or group interviews with peer supporters and peer support managers, conducted at fourteen peer support services around Aotearoa New Zealand. The services were based in ten organisations which vary on a number of dimensions, such as size, whether it is consumer-led, organisational structure, services offered, and type of peer support used. Each participant in the twelve mainstream services took part in two individual interviews, one focused on peer support relationships and the other focused on policy and practice. In the two kaupapa M?ori services, a tikanga [correct procedure or custom]based group interview process was held over a period of two days. The study was approved by the Multi-Regional Health and Disability Committee of New Zealand.


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Submitted On:
13 Apr 2016
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Submitted On:
27 Nov 2014