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Leveraging the Lived Experience of Peer Support Staff

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Peer support staff are individuals in recovery from a mental illness and/or substance use disorder who with training, use their lived experience to assist others in recovery. One of the key steps to successfully integrate peer support staff into behavioral health organizations is determining how to leverage peers’ unique lived experience when defining their role in the organization. Effectively leveraging peer support staff’s lived experiences will ensure that they add value to the organization, complement the services currently being offered, and interface with the existing staff responsibilities. This video and corresponding fact sheet describes success stories of peer support staff and how organizations can use peer support staff to improve care delivery.

Click the download link for the tip sheet.

Click here to view the video: Leveraging the Lived Experience of Peer Support Staff

Submitted By:
Bianca Childs (bchilds)
Submitted On:
30 Jun 2015
File Size:
432.61 Kb
Submitted On:
30 Jun 2015