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Considerations when operating a peer support service, Centre of Excellence in Peer Support

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Considerations when operating a peer support service
Centre of Excellence in Peer Support

Your organisation values the contributions of people with a lived experience of mental distress in service delivery, and
currently runs a peer support program. This guide is designed to enhance that service delivery to your target group. If you are planning to set up a new peer support service, please instead refer to our guide: Setting up a Peer Support service.

Effective ongoing operations of a peer support service depend upon three key areas: Governance, Evaluation and Personnel. This training module has been segmented into these areas to assist you to access the relevant sections quickly. Please note, this module is more a set of recommended considerations, than a comprehensive list of instructions – because of the individual characteristics of your organisation and the peer support service you currently run, specific instructions are simply not possible. In addition to reading this manual, we recommend that you also identify and speak with other organisations running similar programs to yours, to further enhance your knowledge around supporting the peer workforce.

Submitted By:
Administrator (admin)
Submitted On:
01 Sep 2015
File Size:
954.6 KB
Submitted On:
27 Nov 2014